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  • Writer's pictureCollin Brazan

Universal's Volcano Bay: COVID-19 rules to know before you go

Updated: May 16

Universal's Volcano Bay water park has recently reopened, much in its full capacity. It is one of the most packed water park experiences around, and is as innovative as you'll find. Just as any theme park and most other vacation destinations, Volcano Bay has precautions in place to help protect guests from COVID-19, albeit less so than water-free destinations.

When booking your trip, it's important to know about safety requirements before going to ensure its safety levels are adequate to your family's preferences, and so you can be prepared before you arrive.

Reduced Capacity

Just like its theme parks, Volcano Bay is operating at limited capacity. That number has not been announced and it does not seem to hit capacity at the same rates as the theme parks, but Florida's hottest months have not hit yet.

Be prepared to get there for park opening, and you should have little issue getting into the park.

Social Distancing

Social distancing is implemented throughout Volcano Bay. Lines at rides are spaced out just as they are in theme parks and stores, and chairs are spaced out farther than what was usual before the coronavirus.

Temperature Check

Volcano Bay checks all guests for a temperature of 100.4 or higher before entering the park.

Face Coverings Required...But

Face coverings are required when transporting to and from locations and in areas where you cannot social distance. They must be worn anywhere near dining areas and others' food, however. When sitting at a table or lounging away from other guests, you are typically allowed to remove your face covering. Essentially, rules follow those of the theme parks, except when it comes to rides.

Face coverings are not allowed on any of the water slides or in the pools, as keeping masks on and out of other guests' areas can become an issue.

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